

Prywatna opieka dla twojego pupila

Points in the Ranking: 0

I will take care of

Small mammal
36,00 zł
36,00 zł
Reptile or amphibian
36,00 zł
Fish (aquarium)
48,00 zł
Prices for one day of care with the payment for service included


Flat No cages No smokers No small children No toxic plants I let get on the couch No other cats Located in the city Forests are close

About the offer

Cześć ! 🐰 Zapraszam do skorzystania z mojej oferty opieki nad twoim pupilem Posiadam doświadczenie w opiece nad zwierzętami, sama mam 3 letniego labradora oraz 7 letniego królika🐰

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