Terms and conditions

Document version: 3.0.0

Applies from 06/02/2024.

Previous versions of the document can be found in: Changes in terms and conditions

I. Introduction

  1. These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") define the rules for using the Website and/or Application Animalhotels.com (hereinafter: the Website/and or Application) available at the website website https://animalhotels.com/ run by the owner of the website - animalhotels sp. z o.o. based in Łódź (90 - 318) ul. H. Sienkiewicza 72, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs, whose registration files are kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, 20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000934860, REGON 520527265, NIP 7252314345.
  2. You can contact the Service Provider using the e-mail address info@animalhotels.com

II. Definitions

Reservation Acceptance - confirmation of the possibility of providing the Care Service by the Caregiver

Cancellation of Reservation - interruption of the Service Reservation by the Caregiver

Animalhotels.com - animalhotels spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Łódź, ul. H. Sienkiewicza 72, 90-318 Łódź, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs, whose registration files are kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, 20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000934860, REGON 520527265, NIP 7252314345

Application - animalhotels.com mobile application for Android and IOS enabling the use of the Services provided by animalhotels.com.

Price list – a comparative summary of the price range of Care Services Offers

Payment Service Provider - an entity providing payment services to Users as part of the Website and/or Application: Stripe, Inc. based in Ireland and the United States

Action - actions taken by Users of the Website and/or Application, such as: cancellation or acceptance of the Reservation, registration in Stripe, payment for the Care Service, Completion of the Reservation, issuing a Review and responding to it

Marketing Activity - publication of a post, video, reports on the Guardian's social media.

Account - User Account within the Website and/or Application, which in particular collects data provided by the User and presents opinions

Level - a specific stage achieved after obtaining a certain number of Points

Newsletter - a free service provided electronically, by means of which animalhotels.com informs Users about new products appearing on the Website and/or Application and Services, by sending selected and edited content in the form of an electronic letter.

Offer – an announcement constituting an offer of hotel services for animals, which is placed on animalhotels.com by the Caregiver

Carer – means the provider of the Pet and/or Animal Care Service

Profile – the public part of the User Account containing among others. information about a given User, his or her experience, qualifications and/or facilities; is publicly available, also to non-logged in Users or viewers

Point - a unit denoting a rating in Gamification, awarded for specific activities

Ranking - an IT solution using game mechanisms, consisting in earning Points and achieving subsequent Levels by Guardians

Regulations - this document together with all annexes, specifying the rules for using the Website and/or Application. The current version of the Regulations is available on the Website and/or Application at any time.

Registration - a procedure necessary to fully use the services provided by animalhotels.com.

Service Booking - means ordering, purchasing, paying for or booking a Care Service

Website - a website with extensive functionality available at www.animalhotels.com, run by the Service Provider, through which the User can use, in particular, the Services

"Paid" status - a message from the Website and/or Application indicating that money has been transferred by the Owner using the Payment Services Delivery Service to the Caregiver

Status “Completed” - a message from the Website and/or Application indicating that the Care Service has been performed by the Caregiver

Agreement for the provision of care services - a paid agreement concluded between the Caregiver and the Owner, the subject of which is the provision of Care Services

Service - services provided electronically by animalhotels.com and offered as part of the Website and/or Application; These services include in particular: ordering, purchasing, paying for or booking care services

Care Service - paid services related to the care of the animal/animals provided by the Caregiver to the Owner

User - a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by law, using the Website and/or Application

Owner - a person using the Website and/or Application, owner of an animal/animals who is interested in the Care Service

Completion of Reservation - provision of the Care Service by the Caregiver

III. General provisions

The terms of use of the Website and/or Application are specified in the Regulations. Each User of the Website is obliged to read the Regulations.

IV. Scope and nature of the services provided

  1. Animalhotels.com grants Users access to the Website and/or Application enabling contact between the Owner and the Caregiver in order to conclude contracts for the provision of Care Services.
  2. Animalhotels.com is not a party to any contracts between the Owner and the Caregiver and therefore is not liable to Users for the Care Services.
  3. Animalhotels.com provides services to Users including. the following Services: enabling the use of the Account, providing a search engine for Caregivers, enabling the booking of Care Services, concluding Care Agreements, enabling Users to publish opinions about Caregivers and Care Services.
  4. Animalhotels.com is not responsible for any negligence of the Owners regarding the Booking of Care Services.
  5. As part of the Website and/or Application, the Caregiver may offer various types of Care Services.
  6. Animalhotels.com does not employ Owners and/or Caregivers.
  7. Owners are responsible for assessing the Caregiver who performed the Care Service. The Owner should personally assess whether the Caregiver meets the required animal care criteria.

V. Technical requirements

  1. The use of the Website depends on the User having a device with access to the Internet, such as a PC, laptop or mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone, equipped with an updated operating system and one of the following updated browsers: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari with Javascript enabled, Internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 256 kbit/s.
  2. Animalhotels allows you to download the Application from the online store: App Store for iOS, Google Play for Android. Downloading the Application from the above-mentioned stores is free of charge. The device on which the Application is to be launched and installed must have an operating system updated to one of the latest versions.
  3. The Application is available to Users using mobile devices that meet the technical requirements indicated above, on which Users will download the Application, install it and run it properly.
  4. Animalhotels.com is not a data transmission service provider. The costs of data transmission required to launch and use the Website/s or Application are covered by Users on their own, based on separate agreements concluded with telecommunications operators or other Internet access providers.

VI. Rules for using the Website and/or Application

  1. The User confirms that he has read and accepts the content of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy, which is available at: Privacy Policy.

  2. The User undertakes to use the Website and/or Application in a manner consistent with the law and its intended purposes.

  3. The User undertakes:

    • not to take actions that contradict and/or impede the operation of the Website and/or Application;
    • not publish materials insulting honor, dignity and business reputation, promoting violence, pornography, drugs, weapons, hostility of any kind or hostility for any reason, containing calls for illegal or unlawful acts, advertising the provision of intimate services;
    • not use the Website and/or Application for purposes that are unlawful or not provided for in the Regulations;
    • immediately notify animalhotels.com of any violation (or threat of violation) of their rights or the rights of third parties in connection with the use of the Website and/or Application. All notifications should be submitted to the Service Provider via e-mail to the following e-mail address: info@animalhotels.com.
    1. The Guardian undertakes to
    • respond immediately to the Owner's messages and to be in constant contact with him;
    • perform the Care Service personally;
    1. It is prohibited:
    • posting content that is vulgar or contains profanity, or content that is generally considered offensive;
    • use the animalhotels.com Services to organize the provision of Care Services with another User, and then conduct transactions regarding these services outside the Website and/or Application;
    • delivery of malware;
    • interfere in any way with the content and appearance of the Website and/or Application;
    • posting content that violates the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights;
    • posting content that undermines the good name or reputation of animalhotels.com
    • spamming or advertising other websites;
    • posting false information in the Profile, during registration and use of the Website and/or Application;
    • arranging care for exotic, dangerous, endangered or venomous animals, or animals that have a history of attacking humans;
    • publishing reviews about Caregivers that are not based on the Owners' personal experience, that are intentionally inaccurate or misleading, or that violate these Rules;
    • posting "spam" or other unauthorized commercial communications;
    • transfer or make unauthorized use of your account on the Website and/or Application by any other person, or engage in fraudulent transactions;
    • transferring animals to the care of third parties, including other petsitters or animal hotels, without the express consent of the Owner and without informing animalhotels.com .

    VII. Registration

    1. In order to use the full functionality of the Website and/or Application, the User is obliged to have an active Profile. User registration enables you to create an Account. The User consents to sending an SMS message with a numeric code to the number entered during Registration to the Website and/or Application. The User may only be a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality which is granted legal capacity by law. In the case of legal persons and organizational units without legal personality, only a person authorized to act in this respect on behalf of these entities may create an Account on their behalf and perform any activities within the Website and/or Application. During the registration process and when using the Website and/or Application, the User is obliged to provide true, correct and up-to-date data that he is authorized to use. The user is obliged to update the data if they change. After correctly completing the registration form, the User will receive an SMS message from the Service Provider via notifications with a code that will confirm the entered data. After positive verification of the data by the User, the completion of the registration process will be confirmed, after which the User will be able to log in to the Account. User registration is free of charge and can only take place via the Website and/or Application. The User may have only one Account on the Website and/or Application.
    2. The User may not provide anyone with the password and login to his account on the Website and/or Application, nor may he log in using the data of another User. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your activities on the Profile and must notify animalhotels.com of any unauthorized access to it. Once the User confirms the registration procedure, an Agreement is concluded between animalhotels.com and the User for an indefinite period, unless the User has not met the conditions required by the Regulations. Then, no contract is concluded. In the event of deactivation of the provided mobile phone number, the User agrees to immediately update his/her Profile information to ensure that messages are not sent to the person who obtained the User's old number. The User accepts that animalhotels.com will have access to the data and information provided by the User on the Website and/or Application. Personal data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

    VIII. Privacy policy

    In connection due to the User's use of the Website and/or Application, the Administrator collects personal data to the extent necessary to provide the individual services offered, as well as information about the User's activity on the Website and/or Application. Detailed rules and purposes of processing personal data collected when the User uses the Website and/or Application are described in detail in Privacy Policy, which is available at https://animalhotels.com/en/privacy-policy.

    IX. Terms of use of the map

    1. Using the Website and/or Application requires the use of OpenStreetMap functions and content.
    2. The use of OpenStreetMap is subject to the current additional terms of use at https://openstreetmap.org.pl/o-openstreetmap/using-mapy/warunki-licencyjne/andthe Copyright Policy https://www.openstreetmap.org/ copyright/pl.
    3. By using the Website and/or Application, the User confirms and accepts the terms and conditions of OpenStreetMap to the extent that they apply to Users.
    4. Any unauthorized use of OpenStreetMap features and content may result in suspension or termination of use of the Website and/or Application.

    X. Intellectual property rights

    1. The Website and/or Application or individual elements, texts, navigation solutions, selection and arrangement of content presented on the website, graphic elements, compilations of materials and studies are protected by Polish and international law.
    2. Protection also applies to all materials that the Website and/or Application provides to Users electronically, in particular via e-mail. Modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, displaying, uploading, reprinting, sublicensing, creating collective works from the materials without the Administrator's consent is prohibited and will result in legal action by the Administrator.
    3. Using the Website and/or Application does not grant the User any license or right to use any trademarks contained in the Website.
    4. The User's use of the Administrator's company or trademarks in any documents or for any purposes, excluding the cases referred to in the Regulations, may only occur after the Administrator has given his consent in writing and has received prior written approval of the templates of such documents or materials by the Administrator.
    5. The User bears full financial responsibility for any damage caused to the Administrator as a result of using the company name or marks.
    6. Other products, services or markings of entities on the Website and/or Application belong to the Suppliers and may be presented on the Website and/or Application only for identification purposes. You should contact the relevant Suppliers regarding such markings and their Registration status.
    7. Upon posting the Offer, the User authorizes Animalhotels to publish and distribute the description of the Offer and photos included in the Offer in social media, as well as anywhere via the Internet, including in search engines through which the Animalhotels website is promoted. com. By placing copyrighted content in the Offer, the User consents to its free, unlimited time and territorial distribution on the animalhotels.com website in the scope of:
      • recording and reproducing by any technique, including recording and copying on any media; entering into computer memory and into a computer and/or multimedia network;
      • public display and reproduction, use in various formats with the right to incorporate them in whole or in part into other works and create studies, together with the right to grant sublicenses ("License").
    8. The license is granted in particular for the purpose of conducting promotional activities by Animalhotels. The user is not entitled to any remuneration if his content (in particular: photos, image) is used by Animalhotels.


    1. Owners and Caregivers transact with each other when they both agree to a Reservation that specifies the fees, period and other conditions for the provision of the Services through the reservation mechanism available on the Website and/or Application ("reservations").
    2. To search for a Guardian, each Owner must have an active Account on the Website and/or Mobile Application.
    3. The reservation can be initiated by the Owner, who starts the search process after completing the data on: location, date, type pet, amenities. It is also necessary for the Owner to provide information about the pet, such as name, breed/species and/or additional information. After clicking "start", mass inquiries begin to be sent to Caregivers who meet the criteria specified by the Owner. The caregiver receives a notification and decides whether to perform the Care Service. The Guardian accepts or rejects the Reservation. The Owner can see every Caregiver who accepts the Reservation. The Owner selects the Guardian from the list who best meets his requirements. After selecting the Caregiver, the Owner may contact the Caregiver and pay for the Care Service.
    4. The owner can still select a Guardian from the list of Guardians, but after filling in the data about the date and type of the pet, the search process will begin. Further steps for searching for Care Services and Booking a Service are outlined in section.
    5. The Owner initiates a Service Booking, agrees to pay for the Care Services in the Booking after clicking the "Book and pay" button.
    6. If the Caregiver consents to the provision of Care Services, the Owner makes the payment using the "Book and pay" button and selecting one of the available payment methods. At this point, a contract is concluded between the parties.

    XII. Payments

    1. The Website and/or Application concludes an agreement with the Payment Service Provider for the processing of online payments and for storing Users' data regarding information on credit cards, debit cards or other payment methods offered on the Website and/or Application.
    2. The User will be informed on the Website and/or Application in a visible manner each time about the current price of the selected Services, including the current amount of the service fee.
    3. The use of payment services available on the Website and/or Application involves establishing a separate legal relationship with the Payment Service Provider and accepting its regulations available at: https://stripe.com/en-pl/privacy. The Website and/or Application is not a party to such a relationship and cannot interfere with its content or method of implementation. In case of any problems with the payment, the User should contact the Payment Service Provider to clarify doubts or file a complaint. The Website and/or Application does not assume any responsibility for the provision of the payment service by an external service provider.
    4. The Guardian is obliged to have an Account with the Payment Service Provider. Registration of an Account with the Payment Service Provider is possible via the Website and/or Application. An account with a Payment Service Provider enables transactions between the Owner and the Guardian to be executed. To confirm personal data, the Payment Service Provider may request from the Guardian a scan of the ID card.
    5. The Payment Service and/or Application Provider may process such data as: bank account number, name, surname, company name, company identification number, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, registered and/or residential address, card number credit or debit card and other data for the proper functioning of the services offered.
    6. The Care Service is a transaction between the Owner and the Caregiver.
    7. Payment for the Care Service is made using a credit card, debit card or Przelewy24, BLIK, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
    8. The amount due for the Care Service is held in an escrow account operated by the Payment Services Provider. When a transaction begins, the Payment Service Provider collects funds from the Owner to the Caregiver and holds these funds in an escrow account for withdrawal.
    9. Payment of the amount due for the Care Service takes place immediately on the last day of the Care Service at 1:00 p.m. and is paid by the Payment Service Provider directly to the Provider's bank account without additional fees.
    10. The Website and/or Application does not offer any payment services, does not participate in the payment process and is not responsible for the information provided by Users within the scope of applicable law.
    11. Users are responsible for providing true details of credit cards, debit cards or other payment methods offered on the Website and/or Application.
    12. You may use the services provided by the Payment Service Provider only on your own behalf. Use by third parties is prohibited.

    XII. Fees

    1. Owners may purchase the Care Service by making a Reservation as described in point XI Reservations.
    2. Upon acceptance of the Reservation, the Owner concludes a transaction with the Caregiver and agrees to pay all fees indicated in the Reservation. The transaction must be completed before the start of the Care Service.
    3. The total amount that Owners are charged for the Reservation also includes the service fee for the Website and/or Application.
    4. The Owner agrees to pay the service fee as part of the Booking and this is charged for each Booking.
    5. The service fee is 15% and is calculated as a percentage of the fees of each Booking.
    6. When the Owner pays for the Care Services, the Owner will be required to provide the Payment Service Provider with valid, current payment card or other payment information and keep that payment information (or other acceptable alternative payment method) saved in the Account, unless there are any outstanding , confirmed reservations.
    7. The role of animalhotels.com is to facilitate payments from Owners to Caregivers.
    8. Animalhotels.com is responsible for maintaining up-to-date payment information.
    9. If the Payment Service Provider is unable to bill the Owner on time because the payment information is no longer valid and/or payment is not received on time, neither animalhotels.com nor the Caregiver will be liable for any failure to perform the Care Services.
    10. In the event of a complaint, the entire rate set in the Reservation is refunded.

    XIII. Complaints regarding the operation of the Website and/or Application

    1. Any complaints regarding the incorrect functioning of the Website and/or Application should be reported to animalhotels.com :
      • electronically via e-mail to the following address: info@animalhotels.com
      • by registered letter to the address Animalhotels sp. z o.o. 90-318 Łódź ul. Sienkiewicza 72
      • by phone at +48 731 830 820 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding public holidays)
    2. Animalhotels.com reserves the right to request information or explanations from the complainant if it is necessary to consider the complaint.
    3. The complaint should include the User's data (name, surname, correspondence address, e-mail address and telephone number), as well as the circumstances justifying the complaint.
    4. Complaints from consumers will be considered immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date of their receipt. Other complaints will be considered within 30 days from the date of their receipt.
    5. If the data provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, animalhotels.com will immediately ask the User to provide additional information within a specified period.
    6. The User will be notified about the resolution of the complaint via e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in the complaint or correspondence address.
    7. The complaint will be considered within 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt.
    8. A response to the complaint will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the complaint.

    XIV. Complaints regarding Care Services

    1. Complaints regarding non-performance or improper performance of the Care Service should be directed directly to the Caregivers.
    2. The Guardian is responsible to the Owner for considering complaints regarding the Guardian's Services in accordance with generally applicable laws.

    XV. Newsletter

    1. The Newsletter subscription service is provided free of charge by animalhotels.com to Users who voluntarily and optionally agree to it.
    2. The Newsletter subscription is ordered by consenting to direct contact in the privacy settings in the User Account.
    3. Upon confirmation of the activation of the Newsletter, an Agreement for the provision of the Newsletter service for an indefinite period is concluded between the User and animalhotels.com .
    4. The User may terminate the contract for the provision of the Newsletter service at any time by deactivating the subscription. You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter by sending a declaration of will to info@animalhotels.com, via the appropriate link in the footer of each message sent as part of the Newsletter, or by deselecting consent to direct contact in the privacy settings in User Account.
    5. Consent to receiving commercial information sent by electronic means is voluntary and the User may withdraw it at any time.

    XVI. Cancellation

    1. The Owner who wants to cancel the Reservation should contact the Caregiver, who may use the mechanisms available on the Website and/or Application that will enable the cancellation of the Reservation. Only the Guardian can cancel the Reservation.
    2. For the purposes of the terms and conditions contained in this section, the date of cancellation is the date of cancellation by the User via the Website and/or Application, regardless of any separate communication between Users outside the Website and/or Application.
    3. If the Owner wishes to cancel the Reservation before the Care Service period specified in the Reservation, animalhotels.com will refund the fees. Unless the Owner and Guardian agree otherwise, Animalhotels.com will refund all fees. Animalhotels.com initiates refunds through the Payment Service Provider.
    4. The cancellation rules described in these Regulations may apply in the event of situations beyond the control of the Caregivers and/or Owners that make it impossible to perform the Care Service on the terms agreed in the Reservation.

    XVII. Opinions

    1. The Website and/or Application may provide the opportunity to leave a subjective opinion about Caregivers and their Care Services.
    2. Opinion may be left after the Reservation is completed.
    3. An opinion can only be issued by a logged in Owner who has made a Reservation of Services on the Website and/or Application and paid for it via the Payment Service Provider.
    4. The opinion appears on the Caregiver's Profile automatically when it is issued by the Owner.
    5. The opinion may not violate the provisions of generally applicable law, in particular it may not contain: profanity, false, defamatory or unfair competition content, advertising content, data of Users or other natural persons, content violating the rights of third parties, in particular including intellectual property rights, good practices, personal rights, including the good name, reputation of other Users or third parties, content that is false, defamatory or constitutes an act of unfair competition.
    6. It is prohibited to publish opinions about Caregivers that are not based on the Owners' personal experience, that are intentionally inaccurate or misleading, or that violate these Rules.
    7. Animalhotels.com is not obliged to provide the Guardians with the content of any opinions about them sent by other Users of the Website and/or Application, both before and after closing the account on the Website and/or Application.
    8. The guardian has the option of adding a reply to a given Opinion. The Feedback policy applies to responses.
    9. A response to the Opinion may be issued after the Owner has issued the Opinion.
    10. A response to an Opinion may be posted by a logged in Guardian.
    11. Animalhotels.com is not responsible for any deletion, disclosure, loss or modification of these reviews.
    12. Animalhotels.com reserves the right to review and remove such reviews from the Website and/or Application at any time which, in the opinion of animalhotels.com are inconsistent with the Regulations or legal provisions. Deleting an opinion is irreversible.

    XVIII. Ranking

    1. The Website and/or Application uses a game mechanism hereinafter referred to as the Ranking.
    2. The ranking on the Website and/or Application includes gaining Points for Actions taken by the Guardian. Points are also awarded for the Owner's actions on behalf of the Caregiver. Points are awarded to the Guardian.
    3. Levels awarded are public. Each User of the Website and/or Application has the opportunity to see the Level of the Guardian.
    4. The Guardian can earn additional Points for Marketing Activities. The guardian may undertake such actions a maximum of 3 times. A caregiver will earn a maximum of 3,000 Points in total.
    5. The awarding of Points is public. The Guardian can see the history of awarded Points in his/her Account.
    6. By gaining a certain number of Points, the Guardian gains further Levels.
    7. The ranking affects the sorting of search results if the User does not define the sorting in the settings. Sorting by Rank is the default sorting.
    8. Sorting according to the Ranking shows a repeating pattern: four Guardians with LEVEL from I. to V., the fifth Guardian with the NEW level.
    9. Points are awarded for the following activities:
    no.ActivityNumber of points for the guardianDescription
    1Activation on Stripe1000Occurs when Stripe sends information about the activation of the Caregiver Account
    2End of reservation1000 * number of days of reservationHappens when the status changes to “Completed”
    3Opinion with a rating of 3 and more(rating - 2) * 2000It happens when the Owner adds a Review to the Reservation
    4Reply to opinion1000Happens when the Caregiver responds to the Owner's Feedback
    5Marketing Activity1000It happens when the Guardian publishes a post, video or report on his/her social media

undefined | no. | Points range | Level | | --- | --------------------- | --------- | | 1 | no Points up to 9999 | NEW | | 2 | from 10000 to 19999 | LEVEL I | | 3 | from 20000 to 49999 | LEVEL II | | 4 | from 50000 to 79999 | LEVEL III | | 5 | from 80000 to 99999 | LEVEL IV | | 6 | from 100,000 and more | LEVEL V |


  1. The Website and/or Application may contain links to third-party websites or resources.
  2. The User acknowledges and agrees that animalhotels.com is not responsible for:
    • the availability or accuracy of such websites or resources;
    • the content, products or services available on such websites or resources.
  3. Links to such sites or resources do not imply any endorsement of such sites or resources or the content, products or services available on such sites or resources.
  4. You acknowledge and assume all risks arising from your use of such sites or resources.
  5. Personal data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy available on third-party websites or resources.

XIX. Change of regulations

  1. Animalhotels.com reserves the right to change the Regulations at any time.
  2. Changes to the Regulations will be published in the form of a uniform text along with information about them on the website www.animalhotels.com.
  3. Animalhotels.com will notify the User about changes to the Regulations via e-mail sent to the e-mail address or via SMS to the number associated with the User Account, 15 days before their entry into force.
  4. Animalhotels.com may amend the Regulations without observing the 15-day period referred to above, including with immediate effect, if: it is subject to a legal obligation, pursuant to which is obliged to amend the Regulations in a way that makes it impossible for it to comply with the above-mentioned 15-day notice period, must exceptionally amend the Regulations in order to counteract an unforeseen and immediate threat related to the protection of online intermediation services, Users against fraud, malware, spam, data breaches or other threats.
  5. The User may not accept the changes to the Regulations and, in such a case, request deletion of the Account by submitting an appropriate declaration within 15 days from the date of notification of the change to the Regulations. In the absence of such a request, it is assumed that the User has accepted the changes without any reservations.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed, all changes to these Regulations apply to all Users, including users who started using the Website and/or Application before these changes were introduced.

XX. Termination of use of the Website and/or Application

  1. Animalhotels.com may terminate this Agreement arising from these Regulations at any time by informing the User in writing (also by e-mail) and/or if the User has an account , canceling his account and access to his account.
  2. Animalhotels.com may terminate this Agreement arising from these Regulations by informing the User in writing (also by e-mail) if the User has violated the rules of these Regulations and has an account by canceling his account and access to his account or by deactivating his offer.
  3. Animalhotels.com may terminate this Agreement arising from these Regulations without informing the User if the User has not provided any personal data except the telephone number to which the Account was registered. and has not logged into this Account within 60 days.
  4. The User may terminate this Agreement arising from these Regulations at any time by deleting his account or ceasing to use the Website and/or Application.

XXI. Final Provisions

  1. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
  2. Nothing in these Regulations constitutes either party the agent or representative of the other party, nor establishes a joint-venture or partnership relationship between the parties.
  3. The User may not transfer or assign his rights and obligations arising from these Regulations.
  4. Animalhotels.com may transfer the rights and obligations arising from these Regulations, without this transfer being considered an amendment to the Regulations and without prior notice to the User, provided that his rights under from these Regulations.
  5. If any of the provisions of these Regulations are deemed invalid or ineffective, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The invalid or ineffective provisions of these Regulations will be replaced by provisions valid under the law and fully effective, as well as those most similar to them.
  6. In the event of disputes, the European Union provides a European platform, among others online dispute resolution https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Provides information about alternative dispute resolution methods that the User may use in the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved.
  7. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Website and/or Application and/or Services and/or these Regulations, animalhotels.com recommends visiting the help center or contacting your local office: tel.: +48 730 830 820; email: info@animalhotels.com.