About us

Five dedicated team members work on the animalhotels app every day to release updates with improvements on a weekly basis to better connect and match pet owners with sitters.

As a startup, we have been recognised with several awards:

  • Software/Application Award at the Executive Summit
  • First place in the Startup Pitch Challenge at the Executive Summit
  • First place in the Open Mic Pitch at the Carpathian Startup Fest
  • Golden Ticket at the Investor Academy
  • Best Startup in the “Digital Transformation and Organisation Management” category at Network IQ Alliance
  • Eight awards in the Startups powered by Invest in Lodz competition

We are hopeful that we are creating a new trend that benefits both pet owners and sitters.

Our media mentions:

  • Radio Eska
  • Radio Lodz
  • Startup Voice
  • My Company Polska
  • MamBiznes
  • TuLodz
  • Regional TVP
  • Tygrysy Biznesu
  • Biznes Info
  • Rynek Inwestycji

The animalhotels application stands out globally in the way pet owners can find sitters

Simply enter an address, specify the type of pet care you need and provide the required dates. The app, similar to Uber, sends requests to nearby sitters. The sitters browse through pets on a Tinder-like interface and select the pet they feel comfortable taking into their care, ensuring the timing suits them as well. Similarly, pet owners choose sitters based on their ratings, reviews from other users, descriptions and photos.

Currently, the app has 50,000 registered users, including 12,000 sitters. The app is available in Poland and, from August 2024, in the United Kingdom.

We strive to make a positive impact on our community:

  • During the first days of the war in Ukraine, we created a non-profit application PomocniLudzie.pl in just 4 days, which connected volunteers with Ukrainians in need of help for an entire year
  • We have provided support to three animal shelters
  • We donated one of our competition prizes (an open space office) to the Working Dogs Foundation with the consent of the prize sponsor - CIITT of the Medical University in Lodz
  • We mentor students in the EkSoc StartUp programme
  • We eagerly accept invitations from universities to give lectures or workshops for students and share our experiences

We invest the founder's savings and investors' funds in further development and promotion of the application. New investors are joining us and becoming shareholders in exchange for development capital. We also collaborate with partners who support us in specialised areas.

Thank you for supporting the development of animalhotels

We are very grateful that more and more users want to co-create the application with us, writing to suggest new features or ideas to promote our app. We also thank every user who books services and pays through the app, as this supports us and ensures that the app continues to exist and evolve.


Łukasz Klab

Łukasz Klab

Founder and CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Marcin Osiński

Marcin Osiński

Co-Founder and COO - Chief Operating Officer

Damian Sakwiński

Damian Sakwiński

CTO – Chief Technology Officer

Maja Krauze

Maja Krauze

CMO - Chief marketing officer

Kamila Zdzienicka

Kamila Zdzienicka

Business Development Specialist

Natalia Gielec

Natalia Gielec

Office Manager

Weronika Kozłowska

Weronika Kozłowska

Customer Experience Specialist

Paweł Szczepankiewicz

Paweł Szczepankiewicz

Front-end developer

Maria Piech

Maria Piech


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Aleksandra Kwaśnik

Aleksandra Kwaśnik

In-house Lawyer

Violetta Kalenbet

Violetta Kalenbet

Web & Graphic Designer

Iza Kowalska

Iza Kowalska

Meta Ads Specialist

Damian Bryszewski

Damian Bryszewski

SEM Specialist

Konrad Jeleń

Konrad Jeleń

Brand Promotion Specialist