Animalhotels ranking

How to help users find the most trustworthy sitters or animal hotels for their pets 🤔? Those types of hotels that make sure that your beloved dog 🐶 or cat 😸 is safe.

When you tell us that in this application you found a sitter who:

📱 was in constant contact with you

📷 sent photos from walks with your pet

👍 assured you that you can work or rest with peace of mind

we feel that we must try our best to make the tool easier for you to find someone you can trust.

At the same time, we feel that we should look after and support those sitters who put their heart and soul into care services and treat the pets as members of their own family. They need to be recognised💎!

Our solution

1️⃣ Sitters earn points for all positive actions in the application (including positive reviews).

2️⃣ To make it easier to browse the list of results we have added Levels at - you can recognise them by the diamond icon. The more filled the diamond, the more experience the sitter has gained at

3️⃣ In search results, the best sitters always appear at the top of the list.

4️⃣ Every fourth result you will see a NEW sitter. Those who haven't had the chance to prove themselves yet but may turn out to be great sitters.

And for the best sitters

We expect 🎁 additional prizes to thank them for their efforts in taking care of your pets.

We will promote great sitters or pet hotels on the home page and other premium places in the application.

Become a petsitter or hotel

What do sitters earn points for?

2100 points - for successfully completing a 7-day booking (the number of points depends on the number of care days) because the most important thing for us is that the pet received care that suits the owner’s needs

From 1000 to 3000 points - for rating the booking from 3 to 5 stars because a good review speaks directly to the satisfaction of the owner

500 points - for the sitter or hotel's response to a review because it is important that the sitter also expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation with the owner

Sitter/hotel levels

Sitters or hotels can level up (Levels) at and thus stand out on the list of offers.

The higher the sitter's Level, the more experience on the application they have.

NEW - after publishing the offer

LEVEL I - from 10000 points

LEVEL II - from 20,000 points

LEVEL III - from 50,000 points

LEVEL IV - from 80000 points

LEVEL V - from 100000 points

Diamonds do not determine the total experience in taking care of animals, therefore it is also worth reading sitter’s bio and offer and asking additional questions before booking.

What do you think?

As the team, we are open to feedback from our users. The easiest way is to send us an e-mail: or write on social media: (FBInstagram).

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