What Do Rabbits Eat? Which Vegetables and Fruit Are Good for Them?

Rabbits are delightful pets, known for their playful nature and soft, fluffy appearance. However, to keep a rabbit healthy and happy, it’s crucial to understand what they should eat. A rabbit's diet plays a significant role in its overall well-being, influencing everything from its energy levels to its lifespan. In this article, we’ll explore the best foods for rabbits, particularly focusing on vegetables and fruits, and answer some of the most common questions like "what do rabbits eat" and "what vegetables can rabbits eat."

Understanding a Rabbit’s Diet

A well-balanced diet for a rabbit should consist mainly of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small number of pellets. Freshwater should always be available. While hay is the most important part of a rabbit's diet, fresh vegetables and fruits provide essential nutrients that contribute to a rabbit’s health.

Vegetables should make up about 10-20% of a rabbit's diet. When selecting vegetables, it’s important to choose those that are safe and beneficial for rabbits. But, before we dive into specific vegetables, let’s address a common query: what can rabbits eat?

What Vegetables Can Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits thrive on a variety of vegetables that provide them with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Leafy greens are particularly good for them. Here’s a list of vegetables that are safe for rabbits to consume:

  • Kale: A popular choice among rabbit owners, kale is rich in vitamin A and K. However, due to its high calcium content, it should be fed in moderation.
  • Celery: Yes, rabbits can eat celery. It’s a great low-calorie option, high in water content, which helps keep your rabbit hydrated.
  • Broccoli: Another vegetable that is safe for rabbits is broccoli. However, it should be given in small quantities as it can cause gas.
  • Cauliflower Leaves: While the florets of cauliflower should be avoided, the leaves are perfectly fine for rabbits to eat.
  • Carrots: While often associated with rabbits, carrots should actually be given as a treat due to their high sugar content.

Can Rabbits Eat Lettuce?

This is a frequently asked question by many rabbit owners. The answer is yes, but with caution. Not all types of lettuce are safe for rabbits. Romaine lettuce is a good option, as it’s rich in nutrients and fiber. However, iceberg lettuce should be avoided because it contains lactucarium, which can be harmful to rabbits in large amounts.

Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries and Other Fruits?

While fruits should only be given to rabbits in moderation due to their high sugar content, they do enjoy them as a treat. Here’s a list of fruits that are safe for rabbits:

  • Strawberries: Rabbits can eat strawberries, but these should be given sparingly. They are high in sugar, so a small piece occasionally is enough.
  • Apples: Yes, rabbits can eat apples, but be sure to remove the seeds, as they contain cyanide, which is toxic to rabbits.
  • Watermelon: This fruit is safe for rabbits, particularly the rind, which is lower in sugar. However, like other fruits, it should be given in small amounts.
  • Bananas: Bananas are safe for rabbits, but due to their high sugar content, they should only be given as a rare treat.
  • Raspberries: Raspberries are another fruit that rabbits can enjoy, but again, only in moderation.

Can Rabbits Eat Carrots?

Carrots are often depicted as a rabbit’s favourite food in cartoons and media. While rabbits do enjoy the taste of carrots, these should be fed in limited quantities. Carrots are high in sugar, which can lead to obesity and other health issues if given too frequently.

Can Rabbits Eat Other Fruits and Vegetables?

  • Celery: A good source of hydration, celery is low in calories and a safe option for rabbits.
  • Broccoli: Yes, rabbits can eat broccoli, but like with other cruciferous vegetables, it should be given in moderation to avoid digestive issues.
  • Kale: Rabbits can eat kale, but due to its high calcium content, it should be offered sparingly.
  • Watermelon: The rind of the watermelon is safe for rabbits, providing hydration and a refreshing treat during warmer months.

What Foods Should Be Avoided?

Not all vegetables and fruits are safe for rabbits. It’s important to avoid certain foods that can cause harm. These include:

  • Onions and Garlic: Both are toxic to rabbits and can cause severe health issues.
  • Potatoes: These are too starchy for rabbits and should be avoided.
  • Tomato Plants: While the fruit itself is safe in small quantities, the leaves and stems are toxic.
  • Rhubarb: Highly toxic and should never be fed to rabbits.

The rabbit sits in a cage and eats hay from a bowl.

How to Introduce New Foods to a Rabbit’s Diet

When introducing new vegetables or fruits to a rabbit's diet, it’s important to do so gradually. Start with small amounts and observe your rabbit for any signs of digestive distress, such as diarrhoea or changes in stool consistency. If your rabbit shows any adverse reactions, discontinue the food immediately.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet for a rabbit is essential for maintaining their health. While hay should be the staple of their diet, providing fresh vegetables and occasional fruits ensures they receive all the necessary nutrients. A diet rich in fiber from hay and vegetables helps keep their digestive system functioning properly and prevents dental issues.

Hydration Is Key

Alongside a proper diet, ensuring that your rabbit has access to fresh, clean water at all times is crucial. Rabbits can become dehydrated quickly, especially in warm weather, so make sure their water bottle or bowl is always filled.


Understanding what rabbits can and cannot eat is key to ensuring their health and well-being. Fresh hay should make up the majority of their diet, supplemented with a variety of leafy greens and other safe vegetables. Fruits should be given sparingly, serving as occasional treats rather than a regular part of their diet.

By paying attention to your rabbit’s dietary needs and introducing new foods gradually, you can ensure your furry friend enjoys a long, healthy, and happy life. Remember, when in doubt about a particular food, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian who can provide advice tailored to your rabbit’s specific needs.

In conclusion, a well-balanced diet for rabbits includes a variety of safe vegetables like kale, celery, and carrots, alongside occasional fruits like strawberries and apples. Always ensure that any new foods are introduced slowly and watch for any adverse reactions. With proper care and feeding, your rabbit can live a long, healthy life full of vitality.