How Long Are Dogs Pregnant? Dog Gestation Period and Pregnancy Signs Week by Week

Understanding the nuances of dog pregnancy is essential for every responsible pet owner. If you're wondering, "how long are dogs pregnant?" or "how long is a dog pregnant?", this guide will cover everything you need to know about the gestation period for dogs, including dog pregnancy signs week by week. From the first symptoms to the final stages before delivery, we’ll delve into the dog gestation period in detail.

How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?

One of the most common questions new dog owners ask is, "how long are dogs pregnant for?" Typically, the gestation period for dogs lasts between 58 to 68 days, with the average duration being around 63 days. However, the exact length can vary depending on the breed and size of the dog. Smaller breeds may carry their puppies for a slightly shorter time, while larger breeds might have a longer pregnancy. Knowing how long are dogs pregnant is crucial for preparing for the arrival of the puppies.

Dog Pregnancy Symptoms: Week 1 to Week 9

Understanding dog pregnancy symptoms is key to ensuring a smooth and healthy pregnancy for your pet. The dog gestation period is divided into several stages, each characterised by different physical and behavioral changes. Let’s explore dog pregnancy signs week by week.

Week 1: Conception and Early Signs

The first week of pregnancy in dogs often goes unnoticed. This is when fertilisation occurs, and the eggs start their journey to the uterus. At this stage, there are no visible dog pregnancy symptoms. However, some dogs might show slight behavioural changes, such as mild fatigue or changes in appetite. It's too early to detect pregnancy, but being observant of your dog's behavior can give you early clues.

Week 2: Hormonal Changes Begin

By the second week, hormonal changes start to take place. These changes are necessary for supporting the developing embryos. While you may not notice any significant dog pregnancy symptoms week 1, some dogs might begin to show slight changes in their behaviour, such as increased affection or a slight decrease in appetite.

Week 3: Embryo Implantation

During the third week, the embryos implant themselves into the uterine wall. This is a crucial stage in the gestation period for dogs. You might notice slight weight gain and an increase in appetite. However, physical signs of pregnancy are still minimal at this point.

Week 4: Physical Changes Start to Show

By the fourth week, the pregnancy becomes more apparent. This is the time when dog pregnancy symptoms week by week start to become noticeable. Your dog’s abdomen may begin to enlarge slightly, and her nipples may become more prominent. This is also an ideal time to visit your veterinarian for an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.

Week 5: Noticeable Weight Gain

Week five marks a significant milestone in the dog gestation period. The puppies are now developing rapidly, and you will notice a more pronounced increase in your dog’s weight. Her appetite will also increase as her body demands more energy to support the growing puppies. Monitoring her diet is essential to ensure she receives the proper nutrients.

Week 6: Preparation for Birth

As you move into the sixth week, dog pregnancy signs week by week become more pronounced. Your dog’s abdomen will be visibly larger, and she may start to display nesting behaviors. This is a sign that she is preparing for the arrival of her puppies. It's essential to create a comfortable, quiet space for her to rest as she nears the end of her pregnancy.

Week 7: Final Preparations

By the seventh week, the dog gestation period is nearing its end. Your dog may become more restless and begin to seek out secluded spots where she can give birth. It’s crucial to have a whelping area prepared, as the puppies could arrive at any time. This is also the time to confirm the number of puppies with a final veterinary check-up.

Week 8: Imminent Arrival

As you approach the eighth week, dog pregnancy symptoms week by week indicate that birth is imminent. Your dog may seem more tired and may spend more time resting. The puppies are now fully developed, and you may even notice them moving in your dog’s abdomen. She will likely become more anxious, signaling that the birth is just days away.

Week 9: The Birth

The ninth week is the final stage of the dog gestation period. The dog pregnancy signs at this stage include a drop in body temperature, which indicates that labor is imminent. You should monitor your dog closely and be prepared for the birth. It’s a good idea to have your veterinarian’s contact information on hand in case of complications.

White pregnant female dog lying on her side.

How to Care for Your Pregnant Dog

Caring for a pregnant dog involves more than just understanding how long is a dog pregnant. It's about ensuring she receives the right nutrition, exercise, and veterinary care throughout the gestation period for dogs.


A balanced diet is crucial during the dog gestation period. As the pregnancy progresses, your dog will need more calories to support the growing puppies. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure she’s getting the right nutrients. In the later stages of pregnancy, you might need to switch to a high-calorie dog food designed for pregnant and lactating dogs.


Moderate exercise is beneficial during pregnancy, but avoid strenuous activities, especially as she enters the final weeks. Gentle walks and light play are ideal to keep her fit without overexerting her.

Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary visits are essential throughout the pregnancy. Early ultrasounds can confirm the pregnancy, and later check-ups ensure the puppies are developing correctly. Your vet can also guide you on what to expect as the birth approaches.

Complications During Dog Pregnancy

While most pregnancies go smoothly, it’s essential to be aware of potential complications during the dog gestation period. Knowing what to watch for can help you react quickly if something goes wrong.

Signs of Complications

Signs of complications can include prolonged labor, excessive bleeding, or visible distress in your dog. If labor lasts more than 24 hours or if more than two hours pass between the delivery of puppies, contact your vet immediately.

Preventing Complications

Preventing complications starts with proper care. Ensure your dog is healthy before breeding, and provide excellent care throughout the pregnancy. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for monitoring her health and the puppies’ development.

Understanding the Gestation Period for Dogs

The gestation period for dogs is a time of rapid development and significant change. Understanding how long are dogs pregnant for and what to expect during each stage can help you provide the best care for your dog and her puppies.

Importance of Timing

Timing is critical in a dog’s pregnancy. Knowing exactly how long are dogs pregnant allows you to prepare for the birth and ensure that your dog is ready to deliver her puppies safely.

Monitoring the Pregnancy

Throughout the dog gestation period, it’s important to monitor your dog closely. Keep track of her behaviour, weight, and any physical changes. Regular veterinary visits will help ensure that the pregnancy is progressing normally and that the puppies are healthy.

Final Thoughts on Dog Pregnancy

Understanding how long are dogs pregnant and the various dog pregnancy signs week by week is crucial for any dog owner. By providing the right care and attention throughout the dog gestation period, you can ensure a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery for your beloved pet.

Knowing how long is a dog pregnant isn’t just about marking a date on the calendar. It’s about understanding the needs of your dog during this critical time and being prepared for any challenges that may arise. With proper care, your dog will not only have a smooth pregnancy but also bring healthy, happy puppies into the world.

By being informed and proactive, you can support your dog every step of the way, ensuring she remains healthy and comfortable throughout her pregnancy. Whether you’re a seasoned breeder or a first-time dog owner, understanding the intricacies of the dog gestation period will help you provide the best possible care for your pregnant dog.